Brett Sperry is an American video game designer, fine arts gallerist, and professional photographer. He is also a prominent developer of the Las Vegas arts ...
Dr. Brett W. Sperry is a cardiologist at Saint Luke's Mid America Heart Institute with a subspecialty in Advanced Heart Failure, Transplantation, ...
Brett Sperry is an American video game designer, fine arts gallerist, and professional photographer. He is also a prominent developer of the Las Vegas arts community, where he has made significant investments in property and infrastructure,... Wikipedia
Born: Newington, CT
HeartTransplant, LVAD, NuclearCardiology, amyloidosis, sarcoidosis | @SaintLukesKC @MidAmericaHeart | Former fellow @ClevelandClinic | #HoyaSaxa @Georgetown
2595 Followers, 2962 Following, 827 Posts - Brett Wesley Sperry (@brettsperry) on Instagram: "Artist Work in progress & inspirations"
Co-founded Westwood Studios in Las Vegas; a software development and video game company. I designed dozens of games and functioned as creative leader.
Artist, photographer, and renown game designer Brett Sperry is in process on his latest collection showing nov 13th 2024. previous collections featured a mix of ...
Brett Sperry is known for Command & Conquer (1995), A Nightmare on Elm Street (1989) and BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's Inception (1988).
Brett Sperry was one of the lead game designers of early Command & Conquer games. He founded Westwood Studios in 1985, the Brett Wesley Group in 2007, ...
Dr. Brett W. Sperry is a cardiologist at Saint Luke's Mid America Heart Institute with a subspecialty in advanced heart failure, transplantation, ...
Mid America Heart Institute, Saint Luke's Hospital - Cited by 2784