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... AUTO FEES FOR ROADS . Sixteen Million Dollars Applied to Building and Maintenance of Highways in 1915 . Ninety per cent of the registration and license fees paid in 1915 by automobilists to the States , or $ 16,213,387 , was spent for ... from
... registration . The owner when applying for the regis- tration of a heavy motor car is to declare ( a ) the weight unladen , ( b ) the axle - weight of each axle , and ( c ) the diameter of each wheel . Before registration , the weight ... from
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Registration . - With Secretary of Auto- mobile Board , fee $ 2 for each tag ; appli- cant must ... regis- ter annually each car separately , applica- tion to be made before July 1st of each year ; fee $ 10 ... from
... car . Since January 1951 , the number of cars sold is based on franchised deal- ers ' sales as regularly reported in trade journals . Prior to 1951 the number series used was new passenger car regis- trations compiled by the R. L. Polk ... from
... auto- mobiles entered the gates of the Home . Of this number 4,738 registered in the Home register and were shown ... Regis- Visitors mobiles trations 5.307 590 2,434 10,436 1,093 4.738 15,743 1,683 7,172 Daily Average - two months 253 57-62 ... from
Nearly $ 10,000,000 from Auto Registrations Two Months ' Figures yet to be ... regis- trations already exceed by more than 15 per cent the greatest sum ... auto- mobiling public , it is believed , will be greatly increased . The ... from
... auto- mobiles are carefully identified by the manufac- turers and carefully registered by many of the States . The effectiveness of the contribution which can be made by a registration department in dealing with the auto theft problem ... from
... car sales for the three low - price cars decreased to approximately 57 percent . R. L. Polk & Co. new - car - registration figures as reported in Auto- motive Industries , February 25 , 1939 , page 206 , show that in 1938 Chevrolet led ... from
... AUTO FEES FOR ROADS . Sixteen Million Dollars Applied to Building and Maintenance of Highways in 1915 . Ninety per cent of the registration and license fees paid in 1915 by automobilists to the States , or $ 16,213,387 , was spent for ... from
... registration fees you pay for your vehicle may be deductible. If your car is used only for personal purposes, you can deduct auto registration fees based on the value of the car as a state personal property tax if certain conditions are ...