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It sounds like Undertaker would have preferred losing his WrestleMania streak to Roman Reigns instead of Brock Lesnar

The Undertaker was interviewed by the CBS SportsState of Combat podcast, in order to promote WWE Network’s Undertaker: The Last Ride documentary mini-series. As you might expect from any Undertaker interview right now, he addressed what really happened behind the scenes with the end of his WrestleMania undefeated streak at the hands of Brock Lesnar in 2014:

“We had gone back and forth depending on the day. It changed very often, but it had been that way [with Lesnar losing] for about a week, and I showed up thinking I was going over. I found out about 1 PM that I wasn’t. It is what it is.”

“I didn’t feel like Brock needed it. Brock was already a huge star, and it wasn’t going to help him one way or another. My only concern was there might have been someone down the line that could have benefited from it more and that probably would’ve been Roman later on.”

“But at the end of the day, I’m going to do what Vince wants me to do. He created The Undertaker. He gave me the opportunity. Could I have made a power play? Yeah, but seriously, what good was that going to do? What kind of precedent does that send? It just wouldn’t have been right.”

Boy, Vince McMahon sure isn’t kidding around with these late impulsive changes of heart on hugely important booking decisions.

I pretty much agree with everything that Undertaker says here. In my view, Brock was already an untouchable top star in WWE and didn’t need to add the streak as another notch on his belt. It was overkill. Brock’s suplex spam massacre of John Cena later at SummerSlam 2014 would have been enough to get Lesnar on track for the entire Suplex City run that we have witnessed over the last six years.

If the streak was going to end, it should have gone to a full-time roster member who was clearly a big deal, but still needed that one career-defining win to propel a multi-year run on top of the promotion. In Undertaker’s view, it sounds like Roman Reigns was a better fit for that spot than Brock Lesnar.

So here’s the choice I present to you, Cagesiders. If you had to pick one man to end the Undertaker’s streak, with no other option available, would it have been Brock Lesnar or Roman Reigns?

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